This is a small bugfix: Release 2.15 introduced a bug in windowed mode with vsync enabled (default mode) where a black screen appeared until changing window siz...
Tilengine 2.15 released This release adds two features related to the bult-in window: Support for variable refresh rate monitors Until now Tilengine was fixed t...
Release 2.14 of Tilengine adds a new layer window feature, based on the actual SNES hardware. This feature extends original layer clipping that was already impl...
Per-tile palette selector Tilengine 2.13 introduces a feature common to all 8/16-bit era video chipsets: the ability to set an individual palette on each tile o...
This release adds a new feature: Tiles on a tiled layer and sprites can be drawn rotated 90º applying a specific flag in its attributes. This flag existed for...
I'm implementingflag FLAG_ROTATE for tilesets and sprites, that allows rotating 90º the selected item. This flag is implemented in Tiled editor and allow to ro...
This release fixes some bugs left in version 2.11, that introduced the ability to use up to 8 tilesets per tilemap and layer. Tiled import: having unused or uno...
Multiple tilesets per tiled layer Two releases in few days! This new release 2.11 brings a single but important new feature: now each tiled layer can be made of...